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effective altruism animal welfare fund

P4A2021: The Good Food Institute Alexander Davis THE GOOD FOOD INSTITUTE. This is a larger figure than what we have given in past rounds because it’s for a longer granting cycle (all of 2021), whereas previous grants were only for only part of a year. As they are a quite promising and relatively established group that major donors such as the Open Philanthropy Project don't yet fund (though they recommend others do), that creates somewhat of a unique comparative advantage for the AWF, and results in our presently being the major wild animal welfare funder. ACE Effective Animal Advocacy Fund. For example, it is natural for children to go unvaccinated, and for many to die very young as a result. In this Tenth Anniversary Edition of The Life You Can Save, Peter Singer brings his landmark book up to date. Manual 825776867 Donate: A More Descriptive Name. We also think that organizations in other African countries may further follow the lead of this Tanzanian group, and conduct additional work on cage-free campaigns. Second, even if some amount of predation were natural and necessary, factory farming is not particularly natural. Animal Advocacy Careers Job Board. For more information about EA Funds in general, see our FAQ page. I added $80 million to global health for A new organization founded by Chinese and Kazak lawyers in Oregon, the Institute of Animal Law Asia (IALA) seeks to raise awareness about animal suffering in Asia, particularly in countries where legal protections for farmed animals are weak to non-existent. EA Funds is a project of the Centre for Effective Altruism, a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1149828) and a registered 501(c)(3) Exempt Organization in the USA (EIN 47-1988398). This volume focuses on Global Catastrophic Biological Risks (GCBRs), a special class of infectious disease outbreaks or pandemics in which the combined capacity of the world’s private and government resources becomes severely strained. He has written about topics like improving the welfare of farmed fish and supporting plant-based alternatives to animal products. The original edition was the first book to provide a comprehensive overview of the ways in which animals can assist therapists with treatment of specific populations, and/or in specific settings. This area looks particularly high-impact if you think animals’ capacity to suffer is similar to that of humans, and the treatment of animals is unlikely to improve naturally as humanity makes progress. Prior to that he was a co-founder of Charity Entrepreneurship and Charity Science Health. (Note that I didn’t include the money spent on Open Phil’s own expenses, which might increase the meta line by around $5 million.) Peter Singer Peter is the Ira W. DeCamp P rofessor of Bioethics at Princeton University. Improving our understanding of invertebrates’ capacities for suffering. This study seeks to assess the number of such animals… Fisheries capture statistics (tonnage by species) published by the FAO were used, along with estimates of mean weights for different species, to estimate the global number of fish caught annually.” Estimating the Number of Fish Caught in Global Fishing Each Year. The Fund has made a range of grants. Despite this, relatively little work is conducted on cage-free campaigns in the country. This program does not fund organizations focused primarily on raising money for effective charities or organizations primarily focused on animal welfare or global poverty (though organizations in these categories might qualify for support under another focus area, e.g. If you are donating to more than one Fund/organization you'll need to choose how to split your donation between them. You can choose up to 10 Funds/organizations as part of a single allocation. Improving the lives of farmed fish in India. Micronutrients of special concern for the vegan include vitamins B-12 and D, calcium, and long-chain n–3 (omega-3) fatty acids. Members. She recently fulfilled her lifelong dream of meeting Jane Goodall. On the order of a trillion fish are annually processed into fish meal and fish oil (FMFO) to feed to farmed aquatic animals. It seems equally likely that these companies would never have dropped battery cages, or would have merely transitioned to “enriched” cages. from Monash University and a Masters from La Trobe University. [15] Work to improve the welfare of wild animals is even more neglected. We could have billions or even trillions of descendants. Effective altruism is about answering one simple question: how can we use our resources to help others the most? The treatment of farm animals and the conditions in which they are raised, transported, and slaughter within industrialized agriculture are incompatible with providing adequate levels of welfare.”  Humane Society of the United States, “An HSUS Report: The Welfare of Animals in the Meat, Egg, and Dairy Industries” ↩︎, In 2012, a group of neuroscientists signed the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness, asserting that “The weight of evidence indicates that humans are not unique in possessing the neurological substrates that generate consciousness. Is there a general consensus that seems to be in favor of the use of plants and/or insects as an alternative? The Centre for Effective Altruism UK is a registered tax-deductible entity in the Netherlands (ANBI 825776867). [4] We tend to give much more weight to the suffering of humans than to the suffering of animals - this is potentially a form of “speciesism”, valuing animals much less than they deserve. It is normally clear exactly where and how more money directed towards global health can improve and save lives. For many effective altruists, farmed animal welfare clearly fits the bill. Maximum Impact Fund This is a fund of GiveWell. Finding culinary alternatives to meat is an important step toward reducing the suffering of animals raised for food. ↩︎, We might expect lifting people out of poverty, for example, to have all kinds of knock-on benefits resulting from these people then being able to contribute more to societal progress. Found insideThis is a unique collection of new papers on philanthropy from a range of philosophical perspectives, including intuitionism, virtue ethics, Kantian ethics, utilitarianism, theories of justice, and ideals of personal integrity. This will support a relatively new African group to expand to include farmed fish welfare. We are still uncertain whether insects are sentient, but there are good reasons to think that some might be. The EA Infrastructure Fund aims to multiply the impact of projects in a variety of cause areas by increasing their … ACE also has a Recommended Charity Fund and an Effective Animal Advocacy Fund.,, a conversation between the Open Philanthropy Project and Adam Sheingate, Treatment of Animals in Industrial Agriculture, we can empathise with a specific living being, We see significant value in supporting promising activists in China given the scarcity of grassroots farmed animal or vegan activists there, as well as the overall importance of progress in China for animals. An essay making the case for animal welfare as a top focus area of the effective altruism community. Please submit your application by using the link below. We think the organization's leader, Ayubu Nnko, seems well-equipped to take on this project; it also helps that they've previously worked well with the Open Wing Alliance. Their new research strategy is more focused on collaborating with external researchers and institutions to grow the pool of scientists working on wild animal welfare. What could limit the number of fish and/or insects used as feed for farmed fish. China leads the world by a wide margin in terms of its number of farmed animals and, as an important emerging market, will likely continue to increase meat production to meet rising global demand. For details of all of the titles in the series see "This is a delightful book, full of interesting aspects of animal welfare. THL UK seems like an exception to most of our general funging concerns given the funding arrangement they have with THL US, and THL itself being a quite promising group. Animal welfare seems to be a promising cause area. But there are also several reasons why you might be unconvinced by this analysis, or why you might think that a different cause area is likely to hold even greater opportunities to do good. The evidence base here is still relatively weak, especially when compared to global health interventions. farm animal welfare). Kieran Greig is the Director of Research for Farmed Animal Funders, a group of large donors who each give over $250,000 annually to end factory farming. 1. WANBAM aims to increase the hiring and retention of women, non-binary, and trans people in the effective altruism community through 1:1 career mentoring. You do not have Javascript enabled. Note: Alexandria Beck and Marcus A. Davis recused themselves from this grant evaluation. Working on a cause is likely to be high impact to … In his classic study The Expanding Circle, Peter Singer argues that altruism began as a genetically based drive to protect one's kin and community members but has developed into a consciously chosen ethic with an expanding circle of moral ... We think THL UK has played an important role in global corporate campaign wins, and has been instrumental to the successes of the broiler movement. SAFE Foundation. Fast Facts. One of the greatest problems in the world today may be the suffering of animals in the meat industry. If successful, we think this general model of lobbying governments to create CMO for plant-based alternatives may be replicable elsewhere. Open Philanthropy has recommended over $90 million in grants for farm animal welfare work around the world.What have they learned? The evidence base here is still relatively weak, especially when compared to global health interventions. We have direct evidence of the former, but we still know very little about which physical or functional characteristics are needed to create conscious experience. Since animals do not live in such organised societies, it seems less likely that there would be such additional benefits beyond just reducing their suffering - more content animals seem less able to contribute to societal progress. Center on Long-Term Risk Fund : The CLR Fund’s mission is to support research and policy efforts to … In this book, Simona Ginsburg and Eva Jablonka propose a new theory about the origin of consciousness that finds learning to be the driving force in the transition to basic consciousness. However, the evidence in this area is not as strong as it is for global health interventions. Mitigating problems associated with insect farming. The recent ban on cages was preceded by successful corporate campaigning efforts led by OBRAZ in partnership with the Open Wing Alliance. They are focused primarily on improving the welfare of animals in factory farms. Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant-Based Diets. He has a B. Sc. report on the conditions of modern factory farming by the Humane Society of the United States, Many restaurants, including large franchises, most interventions are not very cost-effective, we still know very little about which physical or functional characteristics are needed to create conscious experience, Factory Farmed Chickens: Their Difficult Lives and Deaths, Dairy 2014: Dairy Cattle Management Practices in the United States, February 2016. EA Funds is a project of the Centre for Effective Altruism, a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1149828) and a registered 501(c)(3) Exempt Organization in the USA (EIN 47-1988398). Initial grants to support corporate cage-free reforms, Relatively neglected geographic regions or groups of animals, Promising research into animal advocacy or animal well-being, Activities that could make it easier to help animals in the future, Supporting farmed animal advocacy in Asia, Researching ways to improve the welfare of farmed fish, Promoting alternative proteins in order to reduce demand for animal products, Advocating against the use of some cruel practice within the industrial agriculture system. Funding: The Effective Altruism Animal Welfare Fund has awarded us a grant of $40,000, which will enable our organisation to operate for the first six months. We hope this review sheds new light on this neglected topic and expands the community exposed to considerations regarding invertebrate sentience. 14.5k. Found insideThis edition will also document trends in inequality and identify recent country experiences that have been successful in reducing inequalities, provide key lessons from those experiences, and synthesize the rigorous evidence on public ... In addition, we may be biased against taking the suffering of animals seriously. And even if you add the $1.5 million disbursement for the first year of our three grants, and the ~$12.5 million (at most) spent both on Prop 2 in 2008 and all egg undercover investigations ever done in the U.S., these campaigns will still spare about 38 hens a year of cage confinement per dollar spent. All content © Centre For Effective Altruism or its respective authors, unless otherwise noted. only farmed animals, or only wild animals), you may prefer to give directly to organizations which focus on that context. In 2017 it received: $982,000 (48%) for the global health and development fund. We do not include this in our totals (anymore) because EAF funds might be used to cover our expenses. How can you tell where your resources will do the most good? Historically, its alternative protein companies focused mainly on cultured meat: for example, reports in 2015 suggested that Israeli researchers were developing the world's first cultivated chicken products, and as recently as 2019, Israel might have been home to the majority of the world's cultured meat companies. There are a few important points to note in response to these concerns. We believe she could provide a high-quality data audit of the alternative protein sector in China, which could contribute to building capacity in this area. Still, given the potential size of the improvement, we think this a good opportunity to drive further improvements to fish welfare in India. Included below is some information that could be helpful for questions. as argued for by Jacy Reese), we recommend you look into the work of the Effective Animal Advocacy Fund run by Animal Charity Evaluators, the Animal Welfare Fund run by the Centre for Effective Altruism, and charity recommendations made by Animal Charity Evaluators. But this state of affairs seems clearly wrong. Current practices within animal agriculture are likely to cause extreme suffering over the course of animals’ lives. This research has focused on better understanding the well-being of wild animals, which species are most promising to focus on, and  which interventions are the most effective at reducing animal suffering. Attempts to replicate meat on a cellular level are also underway, and could someday produce affordable meat that is identical to what we eat today, but does not cause the slaughter of animals. We're excited to continue supporting the organization's interventions in countries where farmed animal welfare is largely neglected. We think this is a particularly important aspect of corporate campaigning and may be crucial to get right early on. There are also some arguments against explicitly working on moral advocacy here: ↩︎, Especially if human progress is not accompanied by similar levels of moral progress. ↩︎, Source: Charity Navigator’s Giving Statistics, 2015 ↩︎, Source: Animal Charity Evaluators, “Why farmed animals?” ↩︎, “Animal welfare is an area that receives a lot of attention and funding, but most of this is focused on pets and animals used for lab testing; farm animals receive less attention. Much of the community's work goes toward helping people who live in extreme poverty and lack access to basichealthcare. To that end, the Israeli group, Modern Agriculture Foundation (MAF) suggests lobbying the local government to significantly finance the development of a co-manufacturing site (CMO) for plant-based alternative products. Here are my estimates: What it’s based on: 1. This new initiative (fiscally sponsored by Rethink Priorities) seeks to mitigate potential insect welfare problems associated with the emerging industry of insect farming. Anoop's Project for Awesome 2021 Anoop Muvva LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA SOCIETY. Follow the advice of trusted charity evaluators. The End of Animal Farming is not a scolding treatise or a prescription for an ascetic diet. Reese invites readers--vegan and non-vegan--to consider one of the most important and transformational social movements of the coming decades. ↩︎, Factory Farmed Chickens: Their Difficult Lives and Deaths ↩︎, G. John Benson, DVM, MS, and Bernard E. Rollin, PhD, eds., The Well-Being of Farm Animals: Challenges and Solutions (Blackwell Publishing, 2004); Wikipedia on the same practice. We think it’s important that donors are well informed when they donate to EA Funds. EA Funds: Another option is to give your money to a philanthropic fund managed by experts. She works in close collaboration with Julia on community health at the Centre for Effective Altruism (CEA). Egg-laying hens are packed together in small cages, while male chicks are ground up alive or gassed. To summarise, we believe that it’s possible to have a large impact in animal welfare because of the issue's: Some people object to the idea of reducing factory farming by claiming that eating meat is natural - or that we need to eat meat in order to be healthy. Effective Altruism Community in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. While global meat consumption has been rising as people become wealthier, it now seems possible that we could reach a future where people have overwhelmingly adopted meat alternatives – not out of moral concern for animal welfare, but because they offer a similar consumption experience at lower prices. WAI is researching how we might best help wild animals and attempting to build an academic field around wild animal welfare. That said, if you have any questions about any of the decisions we've made, please feel free to contact us. We recommend checking out the following evaluators:. The field of animal advocacy receives only a few percent of total charitable donations, with most of that money going to the comparatively few companion animals in shelters. We are interested in the results of this initial funding, and what progress can be made to establish a CMO, as it could prove to be a replicable approach to increasing the viability and profitability of plant-based alternatives. ↩︎, U.S. EPA, Ag 101: Dairy Production, 27 June 2012 ↩︎, USDA APHIS NAHMS, Dairy 2014: Dairy Cattle Management Practices in the United States, February 2016 (page 7). We have the resources to raise animals in a more humane way, alleviating their suffering. In addition to funding direct work on animal welfare, the Fund also supports research that improves our understanding of how to most effectively help animals. Especially given the scale of the problem, animal welfare seems incredibly neglected. Alexandria is the Director of the Open Wing Alliance (OWA) at The Humane League. Some elements of this website may not work correctly. Effective today, Michael McCown will assume the position of Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer and will be responsible for operations in the Marcellus Shale and Hunton Limestone areas. Overall, we see this grant as a somewhat higher-risk, higher-reward opportunity. Unless vegans regularly consume foods that are fortified with these nutrients, appropriate supplements should be consumed. Research and advocacy for wild animal welfare. Deciding how to prioritise animal welfare relative to the problems faced by humans depends on a number of complex issues: 1. [24] However, improving attitudes towards animals might increase our circle of empathy generally, which could itself have positive indirect effects.[25]. This project at Global Food Partners, a Singapore-based animal welfare consulting group active in 8 countries across Asia, is meant to help transition more Chinese suppliers to cage-free egg production by creating online training videos on best practices for animal welfare in partnership with Aeres, an agricultural university in the Netherlands. The Protego Foundation P4A 2021 - Ali Ali Matthews THE PROTEGO FOUNDATION. ↩︎, “Vegans tend to be thinner, have lower serum cholesterol, and lower blood pressure, reducing their risk of heart disease. In some cases, iron and zinc status of vegans may also be of concern because of the limited bioavailability of these minerals.” Health effects of vegan diets, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Launched in November 2009, GWWC features an initiative where members “donate at least 10% of their income” to verified charities.GWWC has worked under the Centre for … Effective Altruism Animal Welfare Fund SAFE Foundation Animal Advocacy Africa (AAA) is operating through a fiscal sponsorship with Players Philanthropy Fund (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178), a Maryland charitable trust with federal tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We believe WAI is presently a strong candidate for being the most impactful organization in this space. In addition to securing new cage-free and broiler commitments, THL UK will use this funding to help ensure follow-through on cage-free commitments. The UK government has announced a new plan for animal welfare. This book is the blueprint. Nick Cooney uses the same tools we use at OkCupid—math, logic, and analysis—but to an end that could benefit us all. However, eliminating all animal products from the diet increases the risk of certain nutritional deficiencies. This may be because people don’t want to think about where their food comes from, because they find it disgusting or don’t want to feel as if they should change their diet. Posted on behalf of the Animal Welfare Fund management team. Expect we might neglect this problem such changes ( rather than just doing what feels right, we focus... More Humane way, alleviating their suffering them tends to be emotionally difficult is normally clear exactly and! Has helped to achieve roughly one hundred commitments and formalizations of commitments however, eliminating all animal.. Academic field around wild animal Initiative 's academic field-building efforts Yale law School just giving investigates the and. To organizations which focus on farm animal Statistics: Slaughter Totals wide margin in terms of its of! Funds in general, see our FAQ page this goal very likely and! 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