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uncompromising monotheism

Hence, if any one of God’s attributes accounts for or adequately attests to the worthiness of God, those attributes cannot be non-identical to God. The Qurʾān carried through its uncompromising monotheism by rejecting all forms of idolatry and eliminating all gods and divinities that the Arabs worshipped in their sanctuaries (ḥarams), the most prominent of which was the Kaʿbah sanctuary in Mecca itself. To any one verse any Trinitarian has ever given me that seems to support some aspect of the Trinity, I have always been able to give 15 - 20 verses which seem to directly contradict the doctrine (there is no verse that supports the whole doctrine, unless you count the spurious addition at 1 John 5:7, 8). xxvi. But the quantifiers are restricted. 18, 27) and the Deuteronomist(iv. Second, a central theme in monotheism is that God not only is greater than everything else—some polytheists may think this to be true of their chief god—but that God exceeds everything else by, as one might say, "infinitely many orders of magnitude." That surely divides them, doesn't it?I don't mean to inundate you with questions; I'm actually holding back rather strongly. 29, 35; xliv. . actions that define the identity of the Muslim community. The death of imperfect, sinful humans couldn't do it (Psalm 49:7, 8), nor the sacrifices of animals (Hebrews 10:4). Sinai (Exodus 19). Not only in Palestine was monotheism now the sure possession of the Jewish people, but it may be said that the Judaism of the Diaspora is conscious of itself as the bearer of the monotheistic doctrine and as being therein distinguished from all its surroundings (comp. Hebrew monotheism was based on the notion – simple to us but radical in the days of Moses and his followers – of a single, omnipotent god. There was, in truth there could be, no other God in Israel; but this, it is held, did not affect the reality of the gods of other nations; though, in comparison with the might and glory of Yhwh, they were weak and powerless. Moses, for example, reflected the glory of God after communing with Him on Mt. The extremely high but non-divine role you pick out for Christ leads to a compromising monotheism. I think the last argument is the religiously deepest reason why uncompromising monotheism requires divine simplicity. The Hebrews alone of all the Semitic peoples reached the stage of pure monotheism, through the teachings of their prophets; however, it required centuries of development before every trace of idolatry disappeared even from among them, and before they stood forth as a "unique people on earth," worshipers of the one God and of Him alone. But that doesn't make him equal to God. As we see in Quran 4:48: "Hey Michael!Suppose two equally equally good hearted and intelligent people study the Bible equally hard and come to two different views on the nature of God. 36; xxxii. Jesus, after dying, was raised up and exalted by God (Acts 2:32, 33), was brought up before God's throne (see Daniel 7:13), and there he acted as a High Priest by presenting the value of his sacrifice to God for approval (Hebrews 9:11, 12). 13), "vanity" (Jer. And, even after Jesus has returned to heaven, he still calls someone "my God" (Revelation 3:12) and the apostles still speak of a hierarchy among them (e.g. He was then raised from the dead and exalted to a glorified position in heaven again (Acts 2:31-33).As far as redeeming us from all sin, the doctrine of atonement is spelled out in Romans 5:12, 19 as well as 1 Corinthians 15:21, 22. Found inside – Page 75... of appropriation that was an essential step in the subsequent emergence of one of Judaism's most notable features, its uncompromising monotheism. Later legends describe circumstantially how Abraham reached this belief (Beer, "Leben Abrahams nach Auffassung der Jüdischen Sage"; see Abraham). Sorry to comment on a post from some time ago, and I doubt I'll ever see a response, but an application of this strikes me. 13); "O Lord, Lord God, the Creator of all things, . 36; xxxii. Found inside – Page 224Uncompromising monotheism on mankind's side does suggest, almost inescapably, the possibility of uncompromising “monoanthropism” on God's side. I suspect it's not that uncommon, though I don't know if any serious philosophers or theologians hold it.Depending on exactly how one understands constituent ontology, someone who accepts predicative complexity in God and has a constituent ontology might end up believing that God has parts. Most of this argument is framed in terms of why it is objectionable to think of God as having parts. God puts His spirit in Jesus so that Jesus may accomplish God's will. Perkins. That would not be true if it were God dying, since Adam was not equal to God. Monotheism is characteristic of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all of which view God as the creator of the world, who oversees and intervenes in human events, and as a beneficent and holy being, the source of the highest good. That God was a single person, and Jesus never spoke of Him as anything else. Attributing a property to a thing would not then involve attributing a proper part to it. Forgetful of their obligation to worship Yhwh and Him alone, the people followed after the "ba'alim"; the "bamot" and the "asherot" dotted the land; frequently, too, the Israelites confounded the worship of Yhwh with the worship of Baal. If you ask the price of bread, your answer is the Father is greater than the Son. I praise God … For instance: "Nobody knows what the Jones is going to say in his upcoming book. The tenacity of the Jews, and their uncompromising monotheism, were seen in some conspicuous examples. expository essay in which you clearly identify each of the Five Also, if Christ were both God and man, then he would not have been an equal to Adam (who was only a man), and so it would not have been a corresponding ransom (1 Cor. I wrote this before I read Mark Murphy's post above:I accept divine mereological simplicity, but I do not see that this entails divine simplicity. BTW, Pruss, I appreciate your patience with me. You must feel a bit like Gregory of Nyssa at this point! No act of worshipor devotion has any meaning or value if this concept is in any way compromised. One of those impressed by the Jews' uncompromising devotion to monotheism was a young trader named Mohammed ibn Abdallah. Period. Egypt During the New Kingdom, the cult of the sun god Ra became increasingly important until it evolved into the uncompromising monotheism of Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV, 1364-1347 B.C.). It is not just the words on the page that reveal the truth. really have the right to impose doctrines which the Scriptures did not sanction, and which they seem to contradict in so many places? Alex,As I understand it, your exposition of the standard view has the following consequence:Christ is a person (cf. Islam calls to the absolute oneness of God. As such, talking about its activity just IS talking about God's activity through it, despite its not being another divine person. If anything, I see monolatrism being more able to handle defeat than monotheism. 7), that He uses heathen kings as instruments of punishment or salvation, as when Isaiah speaks of the Assyrian monarch as "the rod of God's anger," when Jeremiah points to the Babylonian king as the instrument whereby God will punish Jerusalem, and when deutero-Isaiah refers to Cyrus as God's anointed—all this involves the conclusion that there was no god but Yhwh, for His dominion extended not only over Israel, but over the nations of the earth also, and His guiding hand directed the course of kings and peoples in the working out of their history. This important work, written for scholars and lay people alike, makes an earnest plea for a decisive return to Biblical monotheism. Found inside – Page 111According to Barth, while the Old Testament bears witness to God's intrinsic uniqueness, it was precisely in the uncompromising monotheism of first-century ... "It seems to me that, even if a belief has been essential to 'the Church', if it is not the best fit for what is in the Scriptures, then it should be abandoned. 13. The essence of monotheism according to Islam: God is the only one as the Lord, and as an object for worship, and as an owner of special names and qualities. 12); "that they may know from the rising of the sun to the setting thereof that there is none besides me; I am God and there is none else" (xlv. main religious services and, in view of the uncompromising monotheism of the Old Testament, the Trinitarian doctrine, while formally accepted, was treated rather gingerly and with a bit of embarrassment. 5, in Kautzsch, "Apokryphen," i. There is an uncompromising monotheism at the heart of the Islamic beliefs which distinguishes Islam from other major religions. And so at least one of x1 or X* threatens uncompromising monotheism. It generally isn't meant to include God, and sometimes there are ordinary human beings who are excluded as well. Jesus claimed that this God was greater than him (John 14:28) and called Him "my God" (John 20:17 and Reveltion 3:12). Profession of faith: This is the main pillar of islam. Its doctrine of God is pure and uncompromising monotheism; the universe is ruled by the wisdom, justice, and omnipotence of the one, true God. Found inside... his conversion Paul did not abandon his Jewish monotheistic convictions. ... a surprising suggestion, given the uncompromising monotheism of most Jews. It comes from the … Remember that the weeds were sown in among the wheat and overshadowed it until the time of the end. It would not have been a corresponding ransom as the Scriptures describe.vexingquestions and Mark: 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 says that the Scriptures are able to make the man of God "fully competent" and "completely equipped for every good work". Friedländer, "Gesch. Muslims (“those who submit”) practice the i. Thus when David was compelled by his enemies to flee he complained bitterly: "They have driven me out this day that I should not cleave unto the inheritance of the Lord, saying, Go, serve other gods" (I Sam. 33; x. This leads me to first to believe that Christ is the Son of the Father and yet the same God (roughly because otherwise the Christian belief in this supreme sacrifice would be an overestimate of God), and then to conclude from this that the Scriptures recognized by the community that Christ founded are indeed God's word. It just seems to refer to Christ manifesting the qualities of God so closely that observing Jesus is like observing his Father. 34; Ezek. 35, 39), but the Biblical teaching on the subject may be said to have culminated in Isaiah of Babylon. But, I guess I just don't know what a "mystery" is in this context, or why God would make the central doctrine a mystery.... Mark:As I mentioned to Pruss, many doctrines are taught in various denominations, but that doesn't make them true or the product of holy spirit. ), when the whole earth was spoken of as being full of His glory (Isa. ii. © 2003-2021 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Found inside – Page 135As Cyril Aldred put it: Instead of incorporating all the old gods in his sole deity, he rigidly excluded them in an uncompromising monotheism. 9). 17, viii. 22; xxiii. A principal question is whether the Christian belief in the deity of Christ can be reconciled with the uncompromising monotheism of the Scriptures. "This strikes me as cutting the branch one is sitting on. As long as a man refused allegiance to other gods he was looked upon as a Jew; "whoever denies the existence of other gods is called a Jew" (Meg. 7; xxxiv. 16; xiii. really have the right to impose doctrines which the Scriptures did not sanction, and which they seem to contradict in so many places? 3, 5, 15; Hos. Granted, the Platonist restricts this to claim that only God is an uncreated concrete entity. It is thus rather odd that the Holy Spirit is taken for granted when Jesus says "only the Father", given that he has just finished excluding one of the members of the Trinity (namely: himself).It seems to me that, even if a belief has been essential to "the Church", if it is not the best fit for what is in the Scriptures, then it should be abandoned. Found inside – Page 178The clean sweep the Pentateuch makes in clearing everything out of the way of its uncompromising monotheism is astonishing. Not really: I think the idea of God as infinite is deeply ingrained in monotheism, but I also don't know that anyone has quite accounted for what it means. . In Judaism it is called the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture) and in Islam it is called the Shariah, laws developed from the revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad. He ascribes all phenomena of our experience, ultimately and fundamentally, to … There can be little doubt that such a saying as "Whoever draws out the pronunciation of the word 'one' [in the Shema'], his days and years will be lengthened" is of similar import (Ber. If one takes the symmetry between Adam and Jesus this strongly, then Jesus can't be any supernatural being, like an archangel, but has to be just an ordinary, but morally perfect, human being. If you're going to be a Platonist dualist, why not... Four arguments that there must be concrete entities, Mereological universalism universalized some more, Prosblogion philosophy of religion group blog. 10; xvi. Pruss:1) I think a set of criteria can be given that will uphold the 66 books in my Bible, while not upholding any others. v. 11; vii. Five Pillars as acts of faith. Elsewhere, he wrote: “The bewildering polytheism of the masses and the uncompromising monotheism of the classes are for the Hindu the expressions of one and the same force at different levels.” You say (4) it is not wrong to worship God “on account of his mercy”. (Nothing wrong with that usage, just as there is nothing wrong with using "the Philosopher" to refer specifically to Aristotle. that serve as the guidance for the Islamic community as well as "According to Watchtower theology, Jesus is both (1) Michael the archangel and (2) as in the doctrine of other Christian groups, the son of David. The word Hindu is derived from the Sanskrit word Sindhu, which means "a large body of water", It was used as the name of the Indus river and also referred to its tributaries. the Son does not believe he is the Father, and the Father does not desire to be the Son). 6, xlviii. For instance: "Nobody knows what the Germans are planning." For instant, the Qur’anic perspective of monotheism is exclusively uncompromising as compared to other monotheistic traditions like Christianity; in the Qur’an Allah (s. w. t.) is confessed as being one, eternal, unbegotten, unequalled and beyond partnership of any kind.xix In this understanding of monotheism, God is Zech. viii. No prophet remained silent on the uncompromising radical monotheism demanded by the God of Israel. And so the Christian canon of Scripture departs from the Jewish one. 8, § 5). Because we trust the Holy Spirit at work in God's Church which accepts these particular books as God's word.Off topic question: does this claim for tradition apply to pre-Christian Jewish tradition too? 19, xviii. The unity of God was a revealed truth for the Jew; there was no need of proofs to establish it; it was the leading tenet of the faith; nor is any attempt at such proof found until the time of the medieval Jewish philosophers, who, in building up their systems of religious philosophy, devoted considerable space to the consideration of the attributes of God, especially of His unity. So, I looked over to the section on "mystery", and it said "a truth over which there is something like a veil". ), that He is the arbiter of the destinies of such other nations (ib. Heath:I do not think we had the same guarantees of the Holy Spirit's guidance for the Jewish tradition as we do for the Christian Church. In the early part of his procuratorship, Pilate, seeking to break through their known repugnance to everything that savoured of image-worship, had introduced into Jerusalem ensigns surmounted with silver busts of the emperor. Obviously, we're excluding the Germans from our quantification!Now things are complicated in the Scriptural case because an exception is explicitly stated, i.e., "except the Father". 1, vii. But something less than God would provide an insufficient account of God’s worthiness for worship as compared to the whole of God’s nature. Instructions: The uncompromising monotheism of Islam has served 9, 18; ix. Indeed, Muslims, like Christians and Jews, are the Children of Abraham, since all … Found insideMoses had devised an elitist, severe, and uncompromising monotheistic doctrine, which he attempted to impose on the common people from above— Freud refers ... Everything else was created through this first creation (Colossians 1:15, 16 spells this out most clearly). The text that suggests a distinction between his will and the Father's is then read as distinguishing between his human will and the Father's divine will, the latter being identical with the Son's divine will.Some statements about and by Christ need to be read as about Christ qua human.The Tradition will take it that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have the same beliefs. God and the Goddesses is a study in medieval imaginative theology, examining the numerous daughters of God who appear in allegorical poems, theological fictions, and the visions of holy women. This grace was not extended to Christians in the first few centuries; Christians in … 16; vii. A similar expression is used in explanation of Ecclus. And, even if you have some way of rationalizing all of those verses (1:20 is a pretty bad ratio)... why bother?? millions of years ago). In Hebrew tradition the origin of the belief in the one God is connected with the religious awakening of the patriarch Abraham. ii. But when using restricted quantifiers one might state what is the most salient exception without giving all the others. 30, xiii. 10-11; xix. Yhwh was the God not only of Israel the people (II Sam. religions. are always a problem for abstract theologies, which function foundationally on principles that … 4:3, 4 doesn't speak well of "veiled" truths, but I'm sure the encyclopedia didn't have that kind of "veil" in mind. Solomon ibn Gabirol expressed the idea in another manner in his great liturgical poem "Keter Malkut": "Thou art One, the first great Cause of all; Thou art One, and none can penetrate—not even the wise in heart—the mystery of Thy unfathomable unity; Thou art One, the Infinitely Great." Both the hanif faith and Judaism have uncompromising monotheism whereas Trinitarian Christianity does not. Found inside – Page 324Islamic tradition often mentions hanifs , monotheists in Arabia , to who were not associated ... which places uncompromising monotheism at its very core . 1 Corinthians 11:3).For these and lots of other reasons, I have always had a real problem with the Trinity doctrine. We only "get at" God via a mode of his.Also, I wonder if these modalistic views are incompatible with simplicity outright. “one person with two natures”). These persons aren't proper parts of God, because is all of the divine substance. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Quotes tagged as "monotheism" Showing 1-30 of 106. 5:7-9). The Father is the same God as the Son is. So, no, I don't think we should take any human tradition seriously which claims otherwise. Mark:I've heard the view that God has three parts: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Some of the nation’s leading journalists gathered in Key West, Florida, in May 2006 for the Pew Forum’s biannual Faith Angle conference on religion, politics and public life. No idea.What do you think of these thoughts? xxxvi. 11; xix. 2 Cor. In the early part of his procuratorship, Pilate, seeking to break through their known repugnance to everything that savoured of image-worship, had introduced into Jerusalem ensigns surmounted with silver busts of the emperor. As I mentioned, I can give 15 to 20 verses that cause trouble for Trinitarians for every 1 verse any Trinitarian has ever given to cause trouble for my view. Sufism is association, and no authority on monotheism.The only monotheism is dualism. I am genuinely interested in your views, and I hope that what I've said is at least of some interest to you. I certainly do, but I didn't think you did. Mark:It seems that the most one can conclude is the uncontroversial claim that one cannot come by reason to knowing everything about the nature of God. But there are probably other exceptions, like Jones' publisher. These Five Pillars are principles But the Father sacrifices the Son, who is the same God as the Father is but not the same person as the Father is. Many orders of magnitude has one mind just John 3:16 true than if God made. “ belief in the existence of angels and the Davidic dynasty are compatible with uncompromising monotheism of patriarch... The lips of the belief that three persons of the Five Pillars as acts of faith punishes wrong-doing not in... About Jesus is like unto thee, O Lord, Lord God, and third command of the century. ; but if Baal, then, and there are all these problematic statements God would have had one! Belief uncompromising monotheism a single person... grow in the existence of one child... 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